Every Day with the Lord is a New Adventure, so why not start your Adventure Today!
Young People are looking for a purpose, a place, and a passion to serve the Lord! Why not serve Him on the mission field around the world? Why not experience training for the field on the field?
Are you willing to spend three months on the mission field? Will you give God the opportunity to work in your life?
Your Training:
Interaction with Pastors & Churches
Challenges with Culture
Limited Language School
Church Planting
Evangelizing Outside the Box
England – Johnathan VandenHurk
Honduras – LeRoy Rolston
Taiwan- Keith Cullers , Neil Cullers
Burkina Faso, Africa – Keith Shumaker
Reggio Emilia, Italy – Brandon Cook
North Africa -WG
India – JG
Quebec, Canada – Josh Campbell
Ghana, Africa – James Ruckman
Santa Fe, New Mexico – Chris Rogers
The Ports of Virginia – Blake Muscott
Be 18 years of age or older.(20 years of age for some fields)
You must be a saved faithful member of an Independent Baptist Church.
You must have a letter of recommendation from your Pastor.
How Do I Become An Intern from Beginning to End:
- Pray and Seek the Will of God for your life First!
- Talk to your Parents and then your Pastor
- Fill out the Internship Application
- The Interview process
- Raising Your Support
- Preparing for Departure
- Arriving and Settling In
- Train Hard
- Arriving Home
- Continue for the Lord!

The Cost: Each field of service is different due to the cost of living, airplane tickets and even challenges due to Covid-19. Upon filling out the application the cost will then be discussed with the Applicant.
If you have any questions please contact Nathan Saunders, Director of Outreach and Recruitment, at nathansaunders@mwbm.org or call 406-360-9392.