Dear Supporters and Fellow Laborers,

The Psalmist reminds us…“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (46:1) During these troubling times, what a comfort to know that our God provides for us refuge, strength, and help!  I just want to encourage each of us to keep our eyes on the Lord as we navigate these unchartered waters.  This circumstance did not catch our Lord by surprise!  He knows where we are, and exactly how to meet our needs!  Praise God!

Please know that the office staff here at MWBM is still hard at work on your behalf.  While taking the necessary precautions, we are still handling funds, answering calls, reaching out to our missionaries on the field and those on deputation.  We are also receiving new applications from applicants answering God’s call to go to the mission field. This is no time to back up on our efforts to reach the world before the Lord’s return.  If anything, it should be a time we double down on those efforts, and reach further and further into the depths of the unreached millions who still need to know that Jesus loves them!

As co-laborers, it is vital that we all continue to do our part to support missions efforts around the world.  Let me implore you as a supporter to remember your missionaries prayerfully, financially, and logistically.  Now would be a fantastic time to reach out to your missionaries and let them know you are praying for them during these difficult days.  Many are quarantined; many are experiencing curtailed ministry opportunities and communication with others because they are in an underdeveloped location.  Those missionaries who have just stepped out by faith into full time deputation are especially vulnerable, as they do not yet have adequate monthly support and are living primarily on love offerings from church meetings.   Some pastors are sending  a one- time support offering to those missionaries they had scheduled to come by their church, but have had to cancel because of the pandemic closures.   This is a lifeline of encouragement and kindness for these families.   This might be something you would consider also. 

Let me plead with you to be faithful in your missions giving.  In Philippians 4, God made a specific promise to a specific church that was involved in supporting missions efforts.  He promised that he would supply ALL their need!  This is a promise we can also claim in 2020, if we are faithful to obey God’s plan for our giving.  This church also gave out of “a great trial of affliction” and “deep poverty.”   Let us be found faithful, as were they, and let us trust God to keep his promises to us!

Thank you so much for your labor for the Lord, and for all you do to get the gospel around the world.  No matter what is going on around us, our Savior’s command to reach the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ has not changed.  What a joy to know that we are working in his harvest, working in his strength, and working alongside other believers.  Let’s work!… for the night is coming!
Dr. Scott Caudill
President & General Director